New Things
Thu Jul 04 2019
Here be dragons (possibly).
This post is tagged as "archive". Either my opinions on the subject have changed, technology has moved on, or I've revisited it more recently and realised it's just old.
Things are changing! New site, new hosting, new blog posts. Also, I finished my degree. It's been a long road, filled with unexpected obstacles (i.e. the gov. kindly releasing a new set of hoops for us to jump through before we can graduate), so I'm glad to be finished. The past four years have been really tough - working a "proper" job and trying to study took up way more of my life than I'd care to admit, but at the same time it's flown past and I'm struggling to remember the early modules I sat, back in 2015. Still, onwards and upwards - I'm diving back into work full-time, and finally getting round to all the other things I've put on hold for the past 4 years.
I'll also try and write some more...